With a decent amount of snow throughout the Methow Valley, there is some early season skiing to be had.
Check with Methow Trails to see what they're up to in terms of rolling and packing. Also, there may be some options for skiing on backroads and campgrounds up Highway 20 a ways. Note that the pass is closed at Silver Star gate, so you might be able to ski up the road edge on some touring boards.
Glide wax will depend on location... Up high where temps are cooler, use Toko Red or Swix 7, but if you're skiing in the lower elevations, like Mazama, then Toko yellow/red mix or Swix 8 will be better overall.
Grip Wax: Again, this will be location dependent. In higher elevations where it is well below freezing, you could use Toko Red, Vauhti Carrot, or Swix 45. On the valley floor, it will be easier to stick with a no-wax option (which of course wouldn't be a bad idea for early season at higher elevations as well).
But if you have a chance to get out in the snow on any sort of ski, then I'm sure you'll have some fun!